Students are expected to satisfy the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts within eight semesters, including the equivalent of 128 semester hours of academic credit, distributed among general education, elective courses and the academic major. In addition, students are expected to maintain at least a C average (2.00 grade point average or GPA) in each semester they are enrolled at the College.

At the end of each semester the academic class deans, with the support of the registrar’s office, review the prospective classes’ grades and progress towards graduation. Students with low academic performance (defined below) and/or credit deficiency will be reviewed at the end of the semester by the Committee on Academic Standing. Additionally, the class deans review and take note of student’s performance that deserves commendation, Dean’s Honors and Dean’s High Honors. Please refer to: Academic Review for additional information on the review process.

A student on financial aid must make satisfactory progress towards graduation within eight semesters, or may be placed on financial probation. For more information on what constitutes good academic progress, please refer to: Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Institutional aid is limited to eight semesters.

Progress Towards Graduation within 8 Semesters

The chart below shows the typical credit hours earned by a student after each semester at a full-time course load of four 4-credit courses per semester.

Earned Credits Required
at End of First Semester

Earned Credits Required
at End of Second Semester

First-Year 16 32
Sophomore 48 64
Junior 80 96
Senior 112 128

Students must accumulate a sufficient number of credits so as not to be more than eight semester hours (including transfer credits) behind the normal semester hours as described above. For example, after the first year, a student must complete at least 24 credits to be promoted to the sophomore year.


A student’s coursework is evaluated on the basis of grades and semester hours taken. Incompletes taken will be reviewed by the class dean once the final grade is submitted to the registrar. More information on incompletes.

Letter GradesNumerical Value
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
D- 0.07
F 0.00
NF 0.00
IF 0.00
  • A through C- are satisfactory grades. However, too many Cs may warrant a letter of concern or warning.
  • D+, D, and D- are passing grades (a student will receive credit) but are considered unsatisfactory.
  • F is a failing grade.
  • If a student takes a course with the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option, a grade of C- must be earned to obtain credit. If a student earns below C-, a grade of U will be recorded.
  • One-credit courses are graded Pass (P)/Not Pass(NP) and are not calculated in a student’s GPA.

Grade Point Average

A grade point average or GPA of 2.00 is required to achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress with the College. Grade point average may be used to determine eligibility for academic and co-curricular programs, athletics, as well as awards.  

Satisfactory Academic Progress

In accordance with federal regulations, all financial aid recipients are required to make satisfactory academic progress. This means that financial aid recipients must:

  • Maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.000 and
  • Accumulate a sufficient number of credits so as not to be more than eight semester hours (including transfer credits) behind the normal semester hours as described below.
  • Institutional aid is limited to eight semesters for traditional undergraduates.

More Information on Satisfactory Academic Progress.