Amy Dooling
Dean of Strategic and Global Initiatives
Amy Dooling, Professor of Chinese, was appointed inaugural Director of the Otto and Fran Walter Commons for Global Study and Engagement and Associate Dean of Global Initiatives effective July 1, 2016. Dooling works with offices and individuals across campus to coordinate the College's global education efforts. She provides leadership and vision for the Walter Commons, overseeing a wide-ranging portfolio.
In addition to partnering with senior administrators and directors to advance the goals of full participation, she contributes to the development of the global-local engagement dimensions of Connections, promotes curricular integration of global experiential learning and the development of new international partnerships, and advances innovations in the College’s world language programs.
In her role, Dooling serves as the College’s institutional liaison to the Institute of International Education’s Scholar-Rescue Fund program and the New University in Exile Consortium. As scholar of modern Chinese literature, Dooling’s research, translations, and publications focus on 20th-century women’s writing and feminist literary culture.