Return to College (RTC) Program

Adult learners are vital and contributing members of Connecticut College's campus community. The Office of Admission has a Frequently Asked Questions page with full details about the Return to College program including a link to the Return to College application.

In 1966, the College established the Return To College (RTC) program to provide men and women with a way of combining serious academic study with individual life patterns. A bachelor of arts degree is the ultimate goal, but attaining it usually takes longer than the traditional four years because college work must be harmonized with responsibilities of family and/or career. The reasons most frequently cited for undertaking this commitment are career preparation, vocational advancement, personal satisfaction and life enrichment.

Connecticut College values the perspectives and contributions of those who have served our country in the military. We welcome applications from veterans who may wish to finish a bachelor of arts degree through our Return to College program. Veterans with questions should email the Office of Admission at

Since the first RTC students graduated from Connecticut in 1969, more than 600 men and women have received degrees in the arts, sciences, social sciences and humanities. Although many resume their studies after a break of ten years or more, the academic records of RTC students are unusually excellent. Experience demonstrates that students returning to college after years away from formal study achieve excellent academic records while fulfilling family and career obligations.

About one quarter of RTC graduates continue their studies in graduate or professional schools. Others develop careers in psychological counseling, business, journalism, health professions, government, social work and educational administration.

Transfer Admission

Special Students and Guest Students

Return to College Students