As a Slavic Studies major, you will gain a firm foundation in Russian language, history, literature, film, and contemporary culture, with opportunities to take courses in such subjects as gender and women's studies, environmental studies, religious studies, art history, theater and government. See full course listings and course descriptions in the college catalog.
Our students also have opportunities to:

- study abroad and complete internships in Russia
- conduct research in Russian for an honors thesis or senior independent project
- travel to nearby cities to attend Russian theater performances, opera, and other cultural events
- teach Russian to fourth- and fifth-graders at the Regional Multicultural Magnet School in downtown New London
- communicate with Russian university students via e-mail, Skype, and teleconferencing through our language partnership with the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg
- join an enthusiastic community of students and faculty who enjoying studying, learning, and traveling together!
Our Russian language program emphasizes active learning and incorporates video-conferencing with students in Russia, study away, and regular practice outside of the classroom to bring students to advanced-level proficiency by their fourth year. When funds are available, Slavic Studies faculty incorporate Travel, Research and Immersion Program (TRIP) components into their courses to take classes to Russia during spring break (see the TRIP blogs for 2008, 2009, and 2011).
Since 2008, Slavic studies students have been teaching Russian to fourth- and fifth-graders at the Regional Multicultural Magnet School in downtown New London. Students are eligible to receive one course credit for this important community service.