
2018 - 2019 Colloquia Series: "Creative Ecologies"
The series of lectures and workshops will explore: How does one define and expand the notion of ecologies in a multidisciplinary and expansive way through the lens of arts and technology? What connections exist or could be envisioned between artistic, environmental, technological, ethical, political and cultural systems? How do we examine a notion of creative ecologies in relation to the human experience? This series draws together presentations and hands-on workshops by artists, scientists, scholars, and makers to discuss and create intersecting systems and processes.
Multiple events will be scheduled throughout the year


January Technology Workshop
"Intersections" Symposium


Lee Blalock "n3w_b0d1es" ColloquiaJanuary 2017 Technology WorkshopLa Pocha Nostra "Unplugged" - Guillermo Gomez Pena
Quince Contemporary Vocal Ensemble


Butch Rovan: Design Thinking in Music
Symposium 2016: Open All PortsLev Manovich: Data Art, Data Science, and Digital HumanitiesMomo Ishiguro: Soundscapes for Supermarkets
OpenEndedGroup: On Location in 3D
Chris Salter: Alien Agency: Techno-science, Art and the Limits of Knowing
Rebecca Mitchell: Extreme Aesthetics: The Creation of Self, Gender, Art, and Life as Radical FeminismTirtza Even: Natural Life documentary screening
Fall Weekend Opening Reception of New Work/Seminar Space at 768 Williams Street
Joey Mercado '16, Ray Coti '16 and Virginia Gresham '17: Fall Weekend 2015 Events (demonstration of the Diane Y. Williams '59 Visualization Wall)
Caroline Park: Embodying the Beyond
Andrea Lanoux, David Kim, Rosemary Roberts, Lyndsey Nelson: Whistling Vivaldi

2014-2015 Heather Dewey-Hagbord: Rendering DNA
Sarah Oppenheimer: FE-09 - Isovists: recent work
Maayan Sheleff: Frankie - A Documentarian Robot
Marianne Weems and James Gibbs: 21st Century Storytelling Since 1994
2013-2014 Symposium 2014: Presence, Immersion and Location
2012-2013 Christopher Grymes: The Inflexible Partner
Jennifer and Kevin McCoy: Twenty-one Twelve
Barbara Hammer: The Hidden Hammer and the Lesbian Museum
Reid Farrington: Organizing Principles
2011-2012 Symposium 2012: Aesthetics and Creative Pathways
2010-2011 Michael Rees: Putto 4 Over 4: The Public and the Private
Betsey Biggs: The Waking Dream-ness of Sound
Harmony Bench: Social Dance-Media
Michael Casey: Scandora
Casey Neistat: A Camera, Marker, Paper and Scissors
2009-2010 Symposium 2010: Revolution: Technology as Change
2008-2009 Elaine Chew: Musical Science and Engineering Art
Allison De Fren: Disarticulations of the Artificial Woman
Rachel Boggia: Kurosawa's Rashomon through Improvisational Interactive Performance
Andrea Polli: Ground Truth
2007-2008 Symposium 2008: New Creativity
2006-2007 Jon Rubin: The Floating Cinema and Cross Cultural Video Production
Todd Winkler: Synesthetic Explorations in Multimedia Dance/Theatre
Butch Rovan: Resistance, Technology, and the Work of Etienne-Jules Marey
Terrence Masson: Digital Fauxtography
2004-2005 Doug Scott: Art, Technology, and Politics of German Design, 1890-1945
Barbara Lattanzi: Viewer as Performer
Peter Kirn: IMAGE + SOUND: Integrating Visual and Aural in the Digital Realm
Camille Utterbeck: Interaction with Digital Media
2002-2003 Symposium 2003: Transparent Technologies
2001-2002 Jessica Helfand and William Drenttel
Tim Roy: Dyanmic Diagrams
Tristan Murail
Gerardo Orioli and Jay Nilsen: The Many Faces of 3D Computer Animation
2000-2001 Symposium 2001: Feedback: Perception and Interaction in the Electronics Arts
1999-2000 Robert Weschler and Frieder Weiss
Ted Gipstein '76: Forensic Animation Evidence
1998-1999 Helen Thorington
Matt Heckert
Adrianne Wortzel