Faculty at Work

The Faculty@Work program gathers together faculty and staff from across the College to showcase the new and emerging scholarly and creative endeavors of our faculty. Presentations and exhibitions, happen in the fall and spring. 



Lunch with the Dean: Conversations and Connections

The Lunch with the Dean series provides Connecticut College faculty an opportunity to informally discuss their teaching and research interests as well as any questions or concerns while enjoying a lunch with three to four other faculty colleagues.  These lunches help the Dean get to know the passions driving the teaching and research endeavors of their colleagues. They also provide an important avenue for the Dean to better understand the questions and concerns of the faculty at all ranks. This information helps the Dean do a better job of translating faculty interests and concerns to audiences both within and outside the college. 



Endowed Lecture Series

The Dean of the Faculty Offices sponsors two lectures per year which highlight the scholarly and creative work of our endowed faculty. This is a singular event which happens only once during the course of an endowed professor’s career. The entire community is invited to attend. The most recent lectures were offered by:

Doug Thompson, Rosemary Park Professor of Geoscience and Environmental Studies - “Looking for Patterns in the Landscape”

R. Danielle Egan, Fuller-Maathai Professor of Gender, Sexuality and Intersectionality Studies -
“Transmitting Dominance: Intergenerational Transmissions and the Production of the Unconscious”

Stanton Ching, Margaret W. Kelly Professor of Chemistry - “Designer Dirt: Inspiration from the Ground Up”

Maria Cruz-Saco, Joanne Toor Cummings ’50 Professor of Economics - “Inequality, Aging & the Paradoxes of Globalization”

Marc Forster, Henry B. Plant Professor of History - “Catholics in the Land of Luther”