Faculty Administrative Support Team
The FASTeam is comprised of all the Academic Department Assistants who are pivotal to the running of the academic departments on campus. They are a key resource to faculty and students alike and handle many of the important administrative tasks that ensure that every class has exactly what they need to succeed. The FASTeam also works collaboratively meeting on a regular basis with college guest speakers, and for trainings, information sharing, and team building - agiley ensuring that all bases are covered.
The below directory is a one-stop repository of the team's contact information as well as the departments to which they belong.

Aimee Couture
Dance, Film Studies

Danielle Fontaine

Jane Kolar
Center for International Studies and the Liberal Arts (CISLA)
Timmie Kydd
East Asian Languages & Cultures, French and Francophone Studies, German Studies, Slavic Studies

Nancy Lewandowski
Anthropology, Economics, Global Islamic Studies, Hispanic Studies, History, Sociology, Africana Studies, American Studies, Latin American Studies
Stacey Lion-Gardiner
English, Gender, Sexuality, & Intersectionality Studies, Philosophy

Alison Madole
Art, Art History
Sharon Moody
Classics, Arabic and Jewish Studies, Government and International Relations, Italian

Noel Sabilia
Computer Science, Mathematics & Statistics

Anna Scanlon
Education, Human Development

Dotty Jo Scott
Physics/Astronomy/Geophysics, Theater

Liz Smith
Biology, Botany, Environmental Studies

Laura Todorov
The Center for the Critical Study of Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE)
Kristin Vegeto

Lili Lan Visgilio

Keleigh Wagner
Goodwin-Niering Center for the Environment

Xia Wu
Connections, Holleran Center for Community Action and Public Policy