Submission of Self-Scheduled Exams to the Registrar's Office

1. Fill out the Self-Scheduled Exam Collection form found both at the link and on the Forms for Faculty section of the Registrar's Office website by 5pm on Tuesday, May 6, 2025.

  • The form requires you to upload a PDF copy of your self-scheduled exam which will serve as the master copy.
  • Copies of the exam are stored in a secure folder, accessible only to designated College staff responsible for exams. 
  • The master copy is only used as follows: it will be consulted if there are missing pages or pages out of order on a paper exam and used to make a correct copy for the student; it will also be used to make additional copies if an insufficient number of paper copies were provided. 
  • All paper and electronic copies submitted to the Registrar's files will be destroyed after the exam period has ended.

2. Print a copy of the exam for each student and deliver to the Registrar's Office (Fanning 105) in hard copy by 5pm on Tuesday, May 6.

  • Each copy must be labeled with the student's name in the upper right hand corner of the top page of the exam.
  • The top page must also include the instructor's name, course subject, course number, and section number.
  • If you are teaching multiple sections of the same course, please combine all exams into one group.
  • Exams must be ordered alphabetically by student last name.

A. If you are allowing students to use extra materials (other than a bluebook) on the exam, the first page of each copy must be printed on colored paper.

B. Extra copies: If your exam has 20 or more students, please include two extra copies of the exam. If your exam has fewer than 20 students, no additional copies of the exam are needed.

Picking up Exams

Blaustein Ernst will be the only Exam Center this semester. Please pick up completed exams in Ernst through Noon on Wednesday, May 14. Please avoid picking up exams during the very beginning and end of each exam block. 

Graduating seniors must complete their exams by 4 p.m. on Monday, May 12. Please pick up all senior exams once they are complete.

Any exams that have not been picked up from Ernst by Noon on Wednesday, May 14 will be returned to the Registrar’s office and can be picked up beginning at 2 pm on Wednesday, May 14 from Fanning 105 during the Registrar’s Office normal business hours: Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. - noon; 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 

All remaining exams must be picked up before Spring semester grades are due. The Registrar's Office cannot scan and send exams via email.

Important Dates - Spring 2025

Grades for CGA cadets are due no later than 

Grades for graduating Connecticut College seniors are due no later than 4 p.m. on Tuesday, May 13. 

Grades for non-graduating Connecticut College students are due no later than 4 p.m. on Tuesday, May 20. 

 How to Submit Final Grades