Self-Scheduled Examinations - Spring 2025

  • Classes end Wednesday, May 7
  • Review days are Thursday, May 8 and Friday, May 9
  • Exams begin at 8:30 am on Saturday, May 10
  • Exams end for graduating seniors on Monday, May 12 at 4:00 pm
  • Exams end for non-graduating students on Wednesday, May 14 at 11:30 am

Exam Periods

  • 8:30 am - 11:30 am; 1 pm - 4 pm; 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
  • On Wednesday, May 14, there will be an 8:30 am - 11:30 am session only
  • Exam Centers open 20 minutes prior to start time
  • The official writing time for exams is three hours
  • Exams MUST be returned no later than 11:30 am, 4 pm, or 8:30 pm to be in compliance with exam procedures


Exam Center

  • The designated Exam Center is Ernst Common Room in Blaustein Humanities Center (lower level)
  • Exams are issued from and must be returned to the Exam Center
  • Exams are taken in Blaustein classrooms designated as exam rooms
  • Cell phones, ipads, tablets, laptops, and any devices with internet connection are never permitted in exam rooms
  • The Exam Center is locked when not in use 
  • Students may not leave the exam building (Blaustein) with an exam


The following self-scheduled examinations are to be taken in the exam building during any of the exam periods listed above. Students may use the materials indicated. Cell phones, ipads/tablets, or any internet connected devices are never permitted.

The list of exams and the materials allowed are subject to change. Please confirm information during Review Days. 

Calculator and one 3"x5" index card with formulasÈ

Instructor Name Course CRN Materials Allowed
Graesch, Anthony AMS 202 10069 None
Graesch, Anthony ANT 202 10068 None
Weinstein, Michael AST 110 10550 Calculator
Hardeman, Kris BIO 209-1 10337 Calculator and four 3" x 5" note cards
Bernhard, Anne BIO 209-2 10340 one 8.5x11" sheet of paper with notes (can be front and back)
Douglass, Stephen BIO 398 10779 None
Suriyapperuma, Sardha BOT 105 10106 None
Siver, Peter BOT 205 10109 None
Ching, Stanton CHM 104-2 10837 Calculator; 8.5x11" sheet - hand write on both sides whatever they would like prior to the exam
Stewart, Jacob CHM 214 10504 Calculator and one page of notes
Zimmer, Marc CHM 216 10508 None
Phillips, Darryl CLA 101 10033 None
Becker, Timothy COM 304 10145 None
Douglass, Stephen COM 307 10146 None
Andrade, Michael ECO 111-1 10036 Calculator, ruler
Andrade, Michael ECO 111-2 10037 Calculator, ruler
Andrade, Michael ECO 111-3 10038 Calculator, ruler
Priyanka, Sadia ECO 112–1 10039 One page of notes and calculator
Priyanka, Sadia ECO 112–2 10040 One page of notes and calculator
Lopez Anuarbe, Monika ECO 112-3 10041 Non-graphing calculator
Stelzner, Mark ECO 205-1 10044 Calculator
Park, Yongjin ECO 205A 10063 None
Cruz-Saco, Maria ECO 206-1 10045 Calculator
Cruz-Saco, Maria ECO 206-2 10046 Calculator
Lopez Anuarbe, Monika ECO 240-1 10051 Non-graphing calculator
Chavanne, David ECO 255-1 10052 None
Stelzner, Mark ECO 304-1 10053 Calculator
Chavanne, David ECO 317-1 10055 None
Jones, Chad ES 100G 10156 None
Graesch, Anthony ES 203 10070 None
Zimmer, Marc ES 216 10509 None
Abdi, Sana FRH 102-1 10089 None
Levi, Jacob FRH 102-2 10090 None
Austin, James FRH 202 10092 None
Levi, Jacob FRH 301 10093 printed PDF of assigned text; a 5"x7" notecard with notes
Anuforo, Love GER 102-1 10099 None
Atherton, Geoffrey GER 102-2 10100 None
Atherton, Geoffrey GER 202 10101 None
Evans, Brett GRK 221 10167 None
Evans, Brett GRK 321 10168 None
Phillips, Darryl HIS 108 10034 None
Sica, Paola ITL 202 10177 None
Harlow, Devon LAT 102 10184 None
Phillips, Darryl LAT 202 10185 None
Phillips, Darryl LAT 333 10186 None
Irwin, Whit MAT 108-1 10438 8.5" x 11" formula sheet and a calculator
Irwin, Whit MAT 108-2 10904 8.5" x 11" formula sheet and a calculator
Thompson, Vince MAT 111-1 10257 Calculator only
Thompson, Vince MAT 111-2 10258 Calculator only
O'Keefe, Augustine MAT 112-1 10259 None
O'Keefe, Augustine MAT 112-2 10958 None
Hammond, Christopher MAT 113-1 10260 None
D'Ovidio Long, Abbey MAT 226-1 10445 Scientific calculator
Wardak, Obaidullah MAT 230-1 10780 Calculator and an extra blank sheet
Schroeder, Joseph NEU 332 10732 None
Pessin, Andrew PHI 279 10488 4"x6" index card, handwritten notes on both sides
Gianninas, Alex PHY 108 10560 Scientific calculator
Weinstein, Michael PHY 110 10564 Calculator
Nier, Jason PSY 201-1 10370 Calculator
Nier, Jason PSY 201-2 10372 Calculator
Schroeder, Joseph PSY 332 10396 None
Lanoux, Andrea RUS 202 10568 None
Kuder, Emily SPA 201-1 10494 None
Koehler, Jessica SPA 201-2 10495 None
Steinhaus, Meghan STA 107-1 10187 Calculator and single sheet of paper (8.5x11) with their own hand-written notes on both sides
Steinhaus, Meghan STA 107-2 10188 Calculator and single sheet of paper (8.5x11) with their own hand-written notes on both sides
Williams. Matthew STA 107-3 10189 Calculator and one 3"x5" index card with formulas 
Wardak, Obaidullah STA 230-1 10781 Calculator and an extra blank sheet