A meal for a team after an away game
The Camel Athletics Fund provides an annual infusion of resources to support our drive to achieve competitive success. Gifts to the Camel Athletics Fund immediately impact the student-athlete experience and strengthen the program in the following key areas:
A meal for a team after an away game
HD webcasting for one game
Video editing software for one team
Bus transportation to an away game
Practice gear for a team of 25
Scoreboard maintenance and repairs
Annual recruiting software subscription for all teams
Spring break trip for one team
Send a check to the Connecticut College Camel Athletics Fund at 270 Mohegan Avenue, New London, CT 06320-4196.
Support Conn's student-athletes by making a gift of stock, or a planned gift. To find out how, or if you have any other questions about giving to Camel Athletics, contact us at CAN@conncoll.edu or by phone at 860-439-2414.
Camel Athletics Network
Mailing Address
Connecticut College
Camel Athletics Network
270 Mohegan Ave.
New London, CT 06320
Jared Holowaty
Director, Camel Athletics Network
Campus Location
Becker House