Please find all instructions and materials pertaining to the housing lottery at Connecticut College below. If you have questions, please call the Office of Residential Life at 860-439-2834 or email
The following forms can be found in MyHousing:
- Room Change Request (closes 2/7)
- Housing Cancellation Form (for those taking leave)
2025-2026 Housing Lottery
- The Housing Lottery booklet is live!
- Off Campus Application opens Wedensday, February 5
Wednesday, February 5 |
Friday, February 14 |
Wednesday, February 19 |
Friday, February 21 |
Wednesday, February 26 |
Monday, March 24 |
Wednesday, March 26 at 11:59pm |
Monday, March 31 |
Tuesday, April 1 |
Thursday, April 3 |
Friday, April 4 |
Monday, April 7 |
Tuesday, April 8 |
Wednesday, April 9 |
Thursday, April 10 at 3pm |
Friday, April 11 |
Monday, April 14 |
Directions for MyHousing process
- Link to MyHousing
- Navigating in MyHousing
- Walkthrough of Selecting a Room
- Forming a Group
- Indicating Living Preferences