David Gordon
Assistant Professor of Politics, University of California Santa Cruz
David Gordon has a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Toronto and was a Social Sciences and Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Ottawa prior to joining the faculty at University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC). His research interests include global environmental politics, international relations theory, and urban studies and focus generally on understanding of how power, authority, and agency are being reconfigured as myriad new actors engage in the governance of a host of complex global issues. In particular, his work cuts into these questions by looking at the role of cities in world politics and the manner in which they participate in the global governance of climate change. He has a book forthcoming on this topic for Cambridge University Press titled Cities on the World Stage: Producing Global Urban Climate Governance and his work has been published in a number of venues, including Environmental Politics, Nature Climate Change, Global Environmental Politics, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews, and Current Opinion in Urban Sustainability.
Recent Publications:
*2018. Urban Transformative Potential in a Changing Climate. Nature Climate Change
*2018. Global Urban Climate Governance in Three and a Half Parts WIREs Climate Change
*2018. City-Networks, Global Climate Governance, and the Road to 1.5C Current Opinion in Sustainability Research