Anna Vallye
Associate Professor of Art History and Architectural Studies
Joined Connecticut College: 2017
B.A., Vassar College
History of urban planning
Interwar avant-garde art and architecture
Anna Vallye is a scholar of modern architecture and urban planning. She is especially interested in how twentieth-century regimes of political administration and governance in Europe and America influenced the professional identities of architects and planners, their work, and the organization of the urban environment. Vallye is currently at work on a book titled Model Territories: German Architects and the Shaping of America’s Welfare State, about the American careers of émigré architects Walter Gropius, Martin Wagner, and Ludwig Hilberseimer, and their contributions to urban planning.
In collaboration with the Center for Housing Equity and Opportunity Eastern Connecticut (CHEO), Vallye is directing A Right to Housing: Case Study Connecticut (2025-2027), funded by a Mellon Foundation grant. The three-year project will build a platform for public research and dialogue around housing access and security, with a focus on New London County. The project will result in a traveling exhibition with its inaugural venue in New London, a digital publication, and curricular initiatives around community-engaged research and pedagogy. The project includes a collaboration with students and faculty at the Yale Urban Design Workshop of the Yale School of Architecture to create progressive housing design models.
In 2019-2020, Vallye directed Mapping Urban Renewal in New London, 1941-1975 (Connecticut College, 2020), a collaborative student-faculty-staff public history project that explores urban renewal and highway construction in New London, CT through archival documentation, interactive mapping, and resident recollections. This ongoing research project was seeded by an Andrew W. Mellon Humanities Research for the Public Good Grant from The Council of Independent Colleges. Vallye also edited the related print volume, Urban Renewal and Highway Construction in New London, 1941-1975 (New London County Historical Society, 2021).
As a Digital Scholarship Fellow, she is preparing to launch an expanded and redesigned version of Mapping Urban Renewal in New London, which will feature multimedia narratives based on oral history interviews with New London residents.
Vallye has a notable background in curatorial practice. She curated Léger: Modern Art and the Metropolis (Philadelphia Museum of Art and Museo Correr, Venice, 2013-2014), the catalogue for which was awarded the 2014 Dedalus Foundation prize for its scholarship of modernism. She has worked at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, and as an intern, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Vallye's research has been funded through the NOMIS Fellowship at eikones—Center for the Theory and History of the Image, University of Basel, Switzerland; the Junior Fellowship in the Mellon Humanities, Urbanism and Design Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania; the Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at Washington University in St.Louis; and the Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellowship at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Like her scholarship, Vallye’s courses locate architectural history in a broad social and intellectual context, linking it to multiple fields of study. She encourages students to explore how the built environment influences social life in all its cultural, political, and economic dimensions. At Conn, she is a faculty fellow of The Ammerman Center for Art and Technology and affiliated faculty in the American Studies Program and the Slavic Studies Program.
Courses Taught
ARC/AHI 103 CC: Building Cultures
ARC/AHI/AMS 405: Housing America
ARC/AHI/AT/AMS 473: Urban Renewal in America: New London
ARC/AHI 470: Time Capsule: New London
ARC/AHI 225: Between Art & Industry: The Bauhaus School of Design
ARC/AHI 273: History of City Planning
ARC/AHI 274: Case Studies in Modern Architecture
ARC/AHI 469: Modern Architecture Faces the Metropolis
ARC/AHI 271: The Architectural Imaginary: Encounters Between Art and Architecture
Selected Recent Publications
Urban Renewal and Highway Construction in New London, 1941-1975, edited by Anna Vallye. New London, CT: New London County Historical Society, 2021.
Léger: Modern Art and the Metropolis, edited by Anna Vallye. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art and New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013. With contributions by Christian Derouet, Maria Gough, Stuart Liebman, Spyros Papapetros, and Jennifer Wild.
Léger 1910-1930: La visione della città contemporanea, edited by Anna Vallye. Venice: Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia and Milan: Skira editore, 2014.
Digital Humanities Scholarship
Mapping Urban Renewal in New London, 1941-1975, Connecticut College, 2020.
“On the Diagrammatic Rationality of Hilberseimer’s Planning.” In Architect of Letters: Reading Hilberseimer, edited by Florian Strob. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, 2022.
“Planning Problems: Data Graphics in the Education of Architects and Planners at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, the 1940s.” In Architectural Education Through Materiality: Pedagogies of 20th-Century Design, edited by Elke Couchez and Rajesh Heynickx, 85-105. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2021.
“’Lost City’: Public Housing, Urban Renewal, and Community in New London, Connecticut" (Part 1 & 2), PLATFORM (1 March & 8 March 2021).
“’Balance-Sheet’ City: Martin Wagner and the Visualization of Statistical Data,” Journal of Urban History 46 (January 2020): 334-363.
"Bauhaus.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, edited by Kevin Murphy. New York: Oxford University Press, 15 June 2020.
“From Siedlung to Township: The Martin Wagner-Walter Gropius Collaboration at Harvard, the 1940s.” In Dust & Data: Bauhaus Trajectories in 100 Years of Modernism, edited by Ines Weizman, 480-494. Leipzig: Spectorbooks, 2019.
“Gyorgy Kepes’s ‘Universities of Vision’.” In Émigré Design Cultures: Histories of the Social in Design, edited by Elana Shapira, 175-190. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017.
“Léger envoie un pneumatique à Cendrars.” In Fernand Léger: Le Beau est partout, edited by Arianne Coulondre, 37-46. Metz: Centre Pompidou-Metz, 2017.
“Between the Easel and the Mural: On the Social Ambitions of Painting in Space.” In Fernand Léger: Painting in Space, edited by Katia Baudin, 50-55. Cologne: Museum Ludwig, 2016.
Major or minor in art history.
Major or minor in architectural studies.
History that now exists
Researchers explore the impact of redevelopment on Conn’s host city
Professor Vallye awarded prestigious residential fellowship
Assistant Professor of Art History and Architectural Studies Anna Vallye has been awarded a NOMIS Fellowship at eikones—Center for the Theory and History of the Image at the University of Basel in Basel, Switzerland.

History That Does Not Exist
A research team is exploring the impact of redevelopment on Conn’s host city.
Contact Anna Vallye
Mailing Address
Anna Vallye
Connecticut College
Box # ART HISTORY/Cummings Arts Center
270 Mohegan Ave.
New London, CT 06320
Cummings Arts Center