Establish a new institute for leadership and dialogue, an intersectional social justice education program, that connects with the new intergroup dialogue courses
Connecticut College promotes experiential learning to help students develop the necessary skills for life beyond graduation. Through experiential learning, students can build solid foundations in identity development, cultural competence, and social justice awareness—foundations that will, ultimately, prepare them for their lives as leaders within their professions and as responsible members of their various communities. This plan prioritizes the enhancement of campus life and the student experience to maximize learning and improve the climate.
Establish a new institute for leadership and dialogue, an intersectional social justice education program, that connects with the new intergroup dialogue courses
Launched the Agnes Gund ’60 Dialogue Project with a first-year seminar on Intergroup Dialogue.
Selected and trained the first cohort of peer facilitators for the Dialogue Project.
Strengthen identity-based student clubs and organizations through additional leadership training and increased funding
In Progress
Established “super committee” of cultural, religious, and political student organizations led by the SGA Equity and Inclusion committee.
Endow fund to support social justice programming and events
Launched a dialogue program pilot with a one-time $200,000 gift from an alum.
Launched the Agnes Gund ’60 Dialogue Project with a $1 million endowment gift.
Create a formal ally development program for White students, men, cisgender people and others who want to increase their effectiveness as allies
Developed anti-racist learning community for white faculty and staff committed to addressing systemic racism.
Increase staffing with expertise in equity and inclusion in the Office of Community Partnerships to expand students’ opportunities for civic engagement in New London and off-campus
Merged Community Partnerships with the Holleran Center.
Implemented new training in intergroup dialogue and social justice education for Holleran seniors in 2019.
Created joint position in DIEI and the Holleran Center to support the Genesis program and expand it to New London area high schools.
Endow the Leadership Development program
Designated a portion of the endowment for the Agnes Gund ’60 Dialogue Project to the College’s Leadership Development.
Continue to refine the DIEI portion of new student orientation program to better introduce concepts of power, privilege, oppression
Implemented new mandatory online training program for all incoming first-year students.
Revised the diversity, equity, and inclusion portion of new student orientation to include student peer-led dialogue and interactive exercises.
Implement new co-curricular student learning outcomes that promote equity and inclusion
Developed and implemented comprehensive co-curricular learning outcomes called the CORE Student Experience Learning Outcomes.
Trained staff across the Student Experience Group (SEG), comprised of the Dean of Students, Dean of the College, and DIEI divisions, to embed the CORE learning outcomes into all major programs and initiatives.
Appointed three SEG representatives as a standing committee to receive ongoing training on co-curricular learning outcomes and serve in an advisory capacity to the SEG.
Developed assessment planning tools and documents for the SEG staff.
Establish new center in Smith-Burdick residence hall that: houses the new Institute for Leadership and Dialogue; promotes intersectionality; offers distinct and common spaces for DIEI staff, LGBTQIA, and Women’s Centers; enhances spaces for international students and minority religious groups; and offers meditation and sensory-friendly space
In Progress
Retained architect to create initial renderings.
Preparing to launch a programming study for this capital project.
Revitalize and enhance Unity House as a functional and stylish, student-run multicultural house
In Progress
Consulted with facilities and design professionals to develop plans for refreshing library and Pepsico rooms of Unity House with new décor.
Reconfiguring layout in Unity House to create more student lounge, study, and programming spaces.
Renovate and revitalize Harkness Chapel as a functional and stylish space for multi-faith activity
In Progress
Updated décor and furnishings in lower level of Harkness Chapel.
Develop residential component to social justice peer education program
Assemble representative College-wide committee on Accessibility to monitor progress on making all physical and virtual spaces fully accessible
Established a campus-wide Accessibility Committee which determines campus projects and priorities related to increasing accessibility.
The curricular and co-curricular initiatives in this document are intended to build and sustain the educational foundations necessary to help students, particularly those from majority groups, to develop stronger awareness of their personal identities, to understand the relationship between their identities and those of others, to reduce microaggressions towards others, and to discover how they can contribute to a healthy, safe, and respectful campus climate. At the same time, the initiatives listed under item 2.3 are specifically targeted toward enhancing institutional support for students from marginalized and historically underrepresented backgrounds. This support includes enhancing physical spaces, strengthening alumni networks, and improving programming efforts.
Periodically administer the Higher Education Data Sharing (HEDS) Campus Climate Survey
Administered the HEDS campus climate survey in Spring 2021.
Women and LGBTQIA students: (a) expand initiative to create gender inclusive restrooms and update signage;
Changed single-use restroom signage to reflect gender-inclusivity in new construction and renovation projects.
2.3.2. (b)
Women and LGBTQIA students: (b) install lactation rooms on campus
Installed a lactation space in the Fanning renovation.
Included lactation space in the design plans for the Crozier-Williams renovation.
2.3.2. (c)
Women and LGBTQIA students: (c) increase financial support and advising for Women’s and LGBTQIA focused student organizations
Designated new giving categories on College Advancement website for contributing to all DIEI operations.
Established and activated an LGBTQIA Alumni Fund which has received contributions.
2.3.2. (d)
Women and LGBTQIA students: (d) move the Women’s Center into new Smith-Burdick space
In Progress
Preparing to launch a programming study for this capital project.
2.3.2. (e)
Women and LGBTQIA students: (e) formalize LGBTQIA alumni network
Established a diversity committee of the Alumni Board to focus primarily on connecting and supporting LGBTQIA+ alumni.
Developing new position in Advancement focusing on equity and inclusion and supporting affinity based alumni groups.
2.3.3. (a)
Religious students: (a) enhance religious and spiritual life spaces
In Progress
Reconfiguring spaces in lower level of Harkness Chapel to create larger and more comfortable space for Muslim student prayer and spiritual practice.
2.3.3. (b)
Religious students: (b) ensure long-term viability of Halal dining
Replaced meats in Harris dining with Halal meats.
2.3.3. (c)
Religious students: (c) offer residential program for Muslim students;
Established new communal housing options for Muslim students.
2.3.3. (d)
Religious students: (d) secure resources for Zachs Hillel House director and program;
In Progress
Actively fundraising to sustain support for the Zachs Hillel House operation.
2.3.3. (e)
Religious students: (e) increase budget and financial support for religious and spiritual life student organizations;
In Progress
Designated new giving categories on College Advancement website for contributing to all DIEI operations.
2.3.3. (f)
Religious students: (f) develop multi-faith or interfaith programming
The Office of Religious and Spiritual Programs (RSP) has re-established a Multi-faith Council and created new multi-faith programs including: Everyone Has a Story; PAUSE gatherings; and Mindfulness Meditation.
2.3.4. (a)
International students: (a) increase staffing for International Student advising
2.3.4. (b)
International students: (b) enhance social spaces for international students
In Progress
Enhanced the international student lounge in the lower level of Harkness Chapel.
Incorporating new international student lounge in the Smith-Burdick renovation project.
2.3.4. (c)
International students: (c) fully leverage the Walter Commons to enhance interaction between international and domestic students
Formalized strategic partnerships between DIEI, REP, International Student Advising and Walter Commons to create greater connection between the Genesis and Odyssey programs.
2.3.4. (d)
International students: (d) identify non-work study employment opportunities
In Progress
Established a task force to mitigate challenges of on-campus student employment for international students.
2.3.4. (e)
International students: (e) establish international alumni group
2.3.4. (f)
International students: (f) enhance ARC resources, including ESOL support
In Progress
Expanding ARC resources through a $10-million endowment gift.
2.3.5. (a)
Students of color: (a) conduct periodic caucuses at Unity House
Developed “Family Meeting” programs led by Unity House student ambassadors.
Established annual alumni and student of color conference.
2.3.5. (b)
Students of color: (b) enhance and expand program offerings
Launched a social justice education series as part of the Agnes Gund `60 Dialogue Project, with speakers including: CT Supreme Court Chief Justice Robinson, Derald Wing Sue, and Ibram X. Kendi.
Offered special programming in commemoration of the New York Times Magazine 1619 Project, including a guest lecture by Dr. Khalil Gibran Muhammad.
Developed lecture series associated with the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) program with lectures by academics of color, including: Ainsley LeSure, Seo-Hyun Park, Ousman Kobo, Nancy Khalek, Marcus Garcia, David Canton, and Hubert Cook.
2.3.5. (c)
Students of color: (c) leverage membership in Consortium on High Achievement and Success (CHAS) by attending annual student conferences
Select student attendees for annual CHAS conferences.
Dean John McKnight appointed chair of CHAS national steering board.
2.3.5. (d)
Students of color: (d) revitalize faculty and staff of color network
Changed the name of SHE to the Women of Color Collective (WOCC – pronounced “woke”) and revitalized approach to creating connections between students, faculty, and staff
Provide additional leadership development and advising to WOCC from Gender and Sexuality Programs.
Enhanced the Men of Color Alliance (MOCA) for students, faculty, and staff through additional leadership development and advising from Gender and Sexuality Programs.
2.3.5. (e)
Students of color: (e) formalize institutional structure to support the Connecticut College Alumni of Color (CCAC) network
In Progress
Designated new giving categories on College Advancement website for contributing to all DIEI operations.
2.3.6. (a)
First-generation students: (a) enhance and expand the Genesis pre-orientation and first-year transition program
Designed and implemented new credit-bearing course to enhance transitional support for Genesis students.
Established a new Genesis Program Coordinator position to expand support for the program.
2.3.6. (b)
First-generation students: (b) identify funding source to establish summer bridge component of Genesis
Expanding the Genesis Program through generous support of an alumni donor John Zeiler '74.
Developing summer bridge component of the Genesis Program.
2.3.6. (c)
First-generation students: (c) establish endowed fund for scholarships for First-Gen students
2.3.6. (d)
First-generation students: (d) develop a network of faculty and staff to serve as additional support for Genesis
In Progress
Selected first-generation faculty to serve as speakers during the Genesis pre-orientation program.
2.3.7. (a)
Differently abled students: (a) follow master plan for mitigating inaccessible campus buildings
Installed an elevator in historic Fanning Hall.
Established a subgroup of the Committee on Accessibility to work on mitigating inaccessible campus buildings.
Installed an elevator in the historic Palmer Auditorium during renovation.
2.3.7. (b)
Differently abled students: (b) improve policies and expand faculty and staff training on issues of accessibility and accommodations
Completed an expert professional review of all Office of Student Accessibility Services policies and practices.
Completed legal review of all Office of Student Accessibility Services policies.
Developed and implemented new overview presentation of student accommodations and ADA compliance for faculty and staff.
Established a Growth Mindset Discussion Group for faculty and staff which meets monthly to incorporate growth mindset principles into professional work.
2.3.7. (c)
Differently abled students: (c) expand educational programming for the campus
Provided campus-wide education on issues of ability through Student Accessibility Services, including a guest lecture by prominent anti-ableism activist, Jonathan Mooney.
Established a chapter of Eye-to-Eye, a student organization focused on mentorship for differently abled persons.
2.3.7. (d)
Differently abled students: (d) address costs of testing and evaluation services
Researched low cost options for testing and evaluation services and added list to SAS website.
Established a subgroup of the Accessibility Committee to review the cost of testing and evaluation services.
Undocumented students: enhance confidential support and programming for DACA students
Established regular private meetings with DACA and undocumented students through the Offices of the Dean of the College and DIEI.
Provide specialized support to undocumented students as needed (e.g. immigration advising and legal counsel).
Dean of Equity and Inclusion
Mailing Address
Office of the Dean of Equity and Inclusion
Connecticut College
Unity House
New London, CT 06320-4196
Department Assistant
Lynne McCue, Senior Assistant to the Dean of Equity and Inclusion
Campus Location
Unity House
Office Hours
M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.