1.1.1. (a)
Review current catalogue for courses that address social difference and power
Connecticut College has expanded and reshaped its curriculum over the years to meet the changing needs of its student population as well as the demands of a dynamic workforce. Connections—our distinctive approach to the liberal arts—gives students opportunities to take ownership of their learning and to creatively seek answers to the most challenging questions of our times. This plan prioritizes the expansion of equity and inclusion in teaching, learning, and the faculty experience in order to ensure students are gaining the critical knowledge and skills necessary to become active citizens and leaders within a global society.
1.1.1. (a)
Review current catalogue for courses that address social difference and power
Designed and implemented a comprehensive rubric for identifying courses focused on power and privilege.
Confirmed more than 60 courses to be designated as Social Difference and Power (SDP) in the catalogue.
1.1.1. (b)
Propose and vote on a new curricular diversity requirement for all students, allowing them to choose from the courses identified in 1.1.1.a
Developed SDP proposal for the faculty.
Implemented new two-course SDP graduation requirement starting with the Class of 2024.
Seek external funding to support incentivization of faculty development of new courses that meet established criteria in 1.1.1.a.
In Progress
Established SDP reading groups and learning communities and offered stipends to faculty facilitators.
Submitted grant proposal to Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) to support SDP initiative.
Offering ongoing programming to assist faculty in developing SDP courses.
Consider developing departments or programs in ethnic, race, cultural, and indigenous studies.
In Progress
Partnered with the Akomawt Educational Initiative to introduce Native American and indigenous studies at the College.
Developing new certificate program in the Center for the Critical Study of Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE).
Propose courses in Intergroup Dialogue (IGD) to be taught by faculty across disciplines who have received specialized training in IGD pedagogy
Designed and offered the first intergroup dialogue course, Conversations on Race, as a First Year Seminar.
Incorporated intergroup dialogue pedagogy into courses in Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies (GSIS) and the Holleran Center.
Review current catalogue for courses that include a community-based learning or research component and consider creating new course designation
Compiled a list of community learning courses taught in recent years.
Conducted a faculty survey on community-based learning to understand support needed.
Developed and submitted proposal for new Community Learning course designation to the Academic and Administrative Procedures Committee (AAPC).
Propose American Sign Language as an option for the world languages requirement
Developed and began offering two-course American Sign Language sequence.
Develop a curricular initiative that serves the needs of students who excel in their work on racial justice and equity
Developed internships for advanced students through the CCSRE.
Developing new CCSRE certificate program with tracks for students at different levels of study.
Increase endowed resources for the Center for the Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity
In Progress
Added full time staff support.
1.2.1. (a)
Expand and enhance opportunities for faculty development in equity, inclusion, full participation, and universal design
Implementing mandatory anti-bias training for all faculty starting in fall 2020.
Hired new faculty member in biology to provide faculty development on equity pedagogy.
Established CTL and DIEI sponsored anti-racism faculty and staff reading and discussion group beginning with Mindful of Race.
Developed anti-racist learning community for white faculty and staff committed to addressing systemic racism.
Redesigned implicit bias training for faculty search committees to strengthen critical analysis of whiteness in faculty hiring.
Offered faculty and staff workshop on disarming bias featuring Dr. Derald Wing Sue.
1.2.1. (b)
Provide support, coordination, and ongoing development for faculty with advanced knowledge and experience
Offered comprehensive faculty development centering critical theories of race and ethnicity across traditional STEM fields under the programmatic theme: SYZYGY.
Established Asian/American and Pan-Ethnic Solidarities reading and discussion group beginning with Third World Studies: Theorizing Liberation.
Developing STREAM faculty scholars through CCSRE (science, technology, race, ethnicity, and medicine).
Continuously review the All-Campus Evaluation and add required and optional questions pertaining to equity, inclusion, and/or full participation
Revised the course evaluation process to mitigate bias against underrepresented faculty.
Consider including a description of full participation activities as part of tenure and promotion files
Identify “invisible service” and make faculty service loads more equitable across groups
Implement mandatory faculty training program on Title IX and ADA compliance and best practices
Completed new online sexual harassment training for all faculty and staff.
Offered a session on understanding ADA compliance and student accommodations during the Camp Teach and Learn faculty development program.
Identifying new training programs for Title IX and ADA compliance.
Activate the Creating Connections Consortium (C3) New Scholar Series
Utilizing C3 funding from the Mellon foundation to support appointment of additional faculty of color.
Utilizing C3 funding from the Mellon foundation to support visiting scholars.
Enhance formal faculty mentorship program
In Progress
Reviewing faculty onboarding and mentoring program offered through the Dean of the Faculty and the CTL.
Periodically administer the Higher Education Data Sharing (HEDS) Campus Climate Survey
Administered the HEDS campus climate survey in Spring 2021.
Identify and implement equitable strategies for spousal hiring
In Progress
Compiling best practices in spousal hiring.
Capture data on faculty gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, and generational status in one-time voluntary survey, with annual dissemination to all new faculty
Create social networks for underrepresented faculty and staff
Established an informal network of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) faculty and staff.
Jointly founded Black Faculty Consortium of Connecticut with Wesleyan and Trinity in Spring 2020.
Enhance and expand faculty and staff ombudsperson resources (3.2.4.)
Expanded faculty ombudsperson from one to three elected positions.
Completed training with the faculty ombudspersons on Title IX and grievance procedures.
Hired new staff ombudsperson in spring 2020.
Dean of Equity and Inclusion
Mailing Address
Office of the Dean of Equity and Inclusion
Connecticut College
Unity House
New London, CT 06320-4196
Department Assistant
Lynne McCue, Senior Assistant to the Dean of Equity and Inclusion
Campus Location
Unity House
Office Hours
M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.