Establish and incentivize participation in new educational programs on equity, inclusion, full participation, and universal design to be included in new employee training and offered annually
Staff are especially important to the life of the campus and the overall success of Connecticut College. All College staff members—from those who serve as student advisers and mentors to those who provide essential operational and support services—enable the College to advance its mission with a standard of excellence. This plan prioritizes diversity and inclusion initiatives that recognize the important role staff play in creating an environment of excellence and that will help staff more fully participate in the intellectual life of the campus.
Establish and incentivize participation in new educational programs on equity, inclusion, full participation, and universal design to be included in new employee training and offered annually
Complete / Ongoing
Implementing mandatory anti-bias training for all staff starting in fall 2020
Revised anti-bias training for Campus Safety department
Increase the number of employees who participate in Civil Treatment trainings and the frequency of offerings
Complete / Ongoing
Complete annual civility training for supervisors in facilities and dining
DIEI and HR staff earned certification as Civil Treatment facilitators
Establish fund to offer grants to departments and offices for additional professional development on matters of equity and inclusion
Complete / Ongoing
CCSRE awards grants to academic and administrative departments who successfully propose projects related to the study of race, ethnicity, and social difference
Seven departments or programs received CCSRE grants in the 2019-2020 academic year (Human Development, Public Health pathway, Art History, GSIS, East Asian Studies, Race and Ethnicity Programs, and Theater)
After broad education on the ways staff contribute to full participation, revise staff performance evaluation process, where feasible, to include review of efforts to advance those goals
In Progress
Reviewing staff performance evaluation processes
Implement new co-curricular student learning outcomes that promote equity and inclusion (2.1.8.)
Complete / Ongoing
Developed and implemented comprehensive co-curricular learning outcomes called the CORE Student Experience Learning Outcomes
Trained staff across the Student Experience Group (SEG), comprised of the Dean of Students, Dean of the College, and DIEI divisions, to embed the CORE learning outcomes into all major programs and initiatives
Appointed three SEG representatives as a standing committee to receive ongoing training on co-curricular learning outcomes and serve in an advisory capacity to the SEG
Developed assessment planning tools and documents for the SEG staff
Continue to identify and mitigate inequities in extra compensation for faculty and staff who perform the same duties above their primary responsibilities
Implemented new Human Resources policy for one-time pay in fall 2019.
Periodically administer the Higher Education Data Sharing (HEDS) Campus Climate Survey
Administered the HEDS campus climate survey in Spring 2021.
Improve and expand on-boarding process for new staff hires emphasizing diversity and community
Complete / Ongoing
Implementing mandatory anti-bias training for all new staff hires
3.2.3. (a)
(a) Create mentoring program for underrepresented staff
3.2.3. (b)
(b) Create social networks for underrepresented faculty and staff (1.3.6.)
Complete / Ongoing
Established an informal network of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) faculty and staff
Enhance and expand faculty and staff ombudsperson resources (1.3.7.)
Complete / Ongoing
Expanded faculty ombudsperson from one to three elected positions
Completed training with the faculty ombudspersons on Title IX and grievance procedures
Hired new staff ombudsperson in spring 2020
Provide regular communication to employees regarding support services and resources on and off-campus for handling incidents of bias, harassment, and discrimination
Complete / Ongoing
Presented information about on and off-campus resources for resolving workplace conflict during senior directors and administrators meeting
Developing new print materials containing information about handling incidents of bias, harassment, and discrimination
Expand opportunities for staff to audit or enroll in courses
Expand and formalize faculty and staff reading groups with a focus on sharing diverse perspectives
Complete / Ongoing
Established CTL and DIEI sponsored anti-racism faculty and staff reading and discussion group beginning with Mindful of Race
Developed anti-racist learning community for white faculty and staff committed to addressing systemic racism
Established Asian/American and Pan-Ethnic Solidarities reading and discussion group beginning with Third World Studies: Theorizing Liberation
Create a joint monthly meeting for staff and faculty and work toward equitable engagement and participation
Implemented joint monthly staff and faculty meetings
Create opportunities for eligible staff to serve as advisers and collaborative partners with faculty designing and teaching First-Year Seminars
Designated numerous administrative staff as FYS advisers
Expand opportunities for internal promotion
Provide support to hiring managers in developing job postings and ad placement in diverse outlets
Develop new training program on implicit bias for staff and require hiring managers and search committees to participate in the program
Develop new recruitment strategies for building talented and diverse candidate pools
The Agnes Gund `60 Dialogue project was launched with a $1 million gift. A significant portion of the annual funds from the endowment are used to support professional development opportunities for staff.
Revise diversity statement for staff job postings
Dean of Equity and Inclusion
Mailing Address
Office of the Dean of Equity and Inclusion
Connecticut College
Unity House
New London, CT 06320-4196
Department Assistant
Lynne McCue, Senior Assistant to the Dean of Equity and Inclusion
Campus Location
Unity House
Office Hours
M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.