Loan repayment and other continuing benefits of the MMUF program are available only to those fellows who enroll in PhD programs in eligible fields within 39 months of graduating from college. (Terminal master's programs are not eligible for loan repayment.)
You can read more information about Graduate Students.
Fellows who are enrolled in Ph.D. programs are contacted by the Office of Equity and Inclusion to provide the following information regarding their loan:
- name of loan company
- address of loan company to which checks should be mailed
- student's name as it appears on the account
- account number
- remaining balance
An unofficial transcript also must be submitted to the Office of Equity and Inclusion to show that the Fellow has completed the year of study at their institution.
On behalf of the fellow, a check is sent directly to the loan company along with a letter that is prepared asking for the check to be applied to the student's account and an explanation about the MMUF program reimbursement policy.