Eliarís Brito Castillo
Hispanic Studies major
The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship was established at Connecticut College in 2009. Since that time,we have welcomed fifteen cohorts of students. Many of our MMUF scholars have gone on to graduate school and completed Phd’s, including Eric LeFlore ‘11; Jamile Jorge’ 13; Andrea Mendoza ‘13; Asia Bento ‘14; and Zoe Diaz-Martin ‘12.
Hispanic Studies major
Government major
East Asian Studies major
History & International Relations majors
History & International Relations majors
Sociology & Student-Designed Interdisciplinary majors
Psychology & Latin American and Latino Studies majors
Anthropology & Global Islamic Studies majors
English major
Anthropology & Computer Science majors
Edgar Alvarez, Sociology & Psychology majors
Anuhea Breeden, East Asian Studies & Anthropology majors
Malissa Lindsey, Sociology major
Quincy Robinson, Gender, Sexuality, & Intersectionality Studies major
Betsy Aguilar, Anthropology & Hispanic Studies majors
Autumn Galindo, Government & History majors
Lorena de Leon, English & Film Studies majors
Daniel Varela, International Studies, Italian, & Latin American & Latino Studies majors
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program
Mailing Address
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program
Connecticut College
Unity House
270 Mohegan Avenue
New London, CT 06320
Assistant to the Program
Lynne McCue
Office of Equity & Inclusion
Unity House
Erika J. Smith, PhD, EDM
Dean of the College