As is always the case, students are expected to abide by the Honor Code as well as Connecticut and federal laws.
- Documented violations will be referred to the conduct process.
- Students are reminded to seek help for themselves or their friends/peers under the medical amnesty policy. The College’s medical amnesty policy states that “no student seeking medical attention (either for oneself or another) for an alcohol or other drug-related overdose will be subject to the College’s student conduct process for a violation of using or possessing alcohol or other drugs.”
Venue & Logistics
The Floralia event area is defined as the Library Green and the Cro Green. A Floralia wristband is required for access to Library Green and Cro Green.
- The Library Green is the only designated area where 21+ individuals may consume alcohol. This area is clearly marked by a perimeter of green snow fencing with multiple entrances/exits. Open containers of alcohol are not permitted outside this green perimeter.
- All bags, coolers, tents, etc. will be searched by Green Mountain Concert Security (GMCS) at the four entrances. Any coolers left unattended will be confiscated.
- Please do not move any chute posts and pennants that are part of the venue walkways.
- Students are cautioned against bringing any valuable items such as cameras and laptops into the event area. Items like these can be easily damaged or lost/stolen.
- Shain Library and Blue Camel will be closed and inaccessible.
- No water bottles will be available for distribution within the event area. All attendees are responsible for bringing their own vessel to the water bottle filling stations.
- Students who appear significantly impaired because of alcohol or drug use may be denied entry or asked to leave the concert grounds.
The College Center: Dining Services will provide lunch and dinner inside the College Center. A Floralia wristband is not required for access to the College Center. Students not participating in Floralia may enter Cro throughout the day to access meals. Alcohol is not permitted inside the College Center.
Please refer to the map below to familiarize yourself with the venue.

All entrances to the library green will open at 12 p.m. and students may begin to line up at the entrances at 11 a.m. Students gathering before 11 a.m. will be asked to disburse. Staff at the entrances will ask individuals to show their Floralia wristband in order to enter the area. All bags, coolers, tents, etc. will be searched by GMCS at the four entrances. Any coolers left unattended will be confiscated. GMCS/Staff will also ask individuals to dispose of any prohibited items into amnesty receptacles available at each entrance. Signs listing prohibited items will be posted at each entrance onto the library green. Any items confiscated or placed in the amnesty receptacles will not be returned to the owner. Do not move pennants and posts.
An abundant supply of trash and recycling containers will be available on Library Green, Cro Green, and inside the College Center. Port-a-potties will be located on Cro Green.
Approved & Prohibited Items
- Canopies measuring 10' x 10' may be set up in the Floralia event area only. Tents and other enclosed structures are not permitted.
- No bats or sporting equipment. Sporting equipment includes but is not limited to roller skates, roller blades, scooters, football, and frisbees.
- Gravel lot will be closed on that Saturday. All cars will need to be moved and parking will be prohibited. Gravel lot is not part of the Floralia area; it will be used as a staging area for the event.
- Lawn chairs and other furniture intended for outdoor use may be brought to the Floralia event area. Couches, armchairs, futons, and other furniture intended for indoor use are not permitted. College-owned property (including common room furniture and furniture from the College Center or other campus building) is not permitted. All furniture must be removed immediately following the conclusion of the concert.
- No open beverages can enter the grounds; no exceptions (alcohol and non-alcohol.)
- Open flames (e.g. grills, tiki torches) are not permitted.
- Powered audio equipment is not permitted.
Trash and Waste Removal
- All students are asked to unpackage and/or unbox all items in an effort to reduce trash brought into the venue.
- Student volunteers will be walking around giving students trash bags throughout the day.
- Areas that are excessively messy will be given trash bags and a warning that the area must be cleaned up.
- If area is not cleaned up upon return, students will receive formal punch in their wristband.
- At the end of the night, we will make a pile of all items that students want to leave behind or throw out.
Alcohol & Other Drug Guidelines
- Individuals aged 21 and over may have open containers within the green designated open container area on Library Green (see map). Open containers (e.g. beer cans) are not permitted outside of the green perimeter including on Cro Green, other outdoor locations, or inside the College Center (Cro).
- All liquids entering the grounds must be in factory-sealed containers. This applies to both alcohol and non-alcohol beverages. No open beverages can enter the grounds. No exceptions (alcohol and non-alcohol).
- All beverages must be single-serve (no milk jugs, large bottles, etc.)
- Individuals aged 21 and over are permitted to bring no more than six (6) single serve alcoholic beverages into the venue at a time.
- For the purpose of this event single serve containers are considered twelve (12) ounces or less (360 ml)
- There is no limit to the amount of non-alcoholic beverages brought into the venue.
- All personal water bottles must be empty when entering the grounds. A water bottle fill station will be available inside the event venue to fill all water bottles.
- Hard alcohol is not permitted.
- Glass is not permitted in the Floralia event area (Library Green and Cro Green).
- Drinking games are not permitted.
- Personal-use coolers (with a maximum capacity of 24 cans) are permitted. Larger capacity coolers and containers are not permitted. Any coolers left unattended will be confiscated.
- Common source containers (e.g. kegs, mini-kegs, punch bowls) are not permitted.
- Private parties in residence houses or other campus locations are not permitted Friday-Sunday (No social host gatherings.)
- The use of illicit drugs is illegal and, therefore, not permitted.