Of the many artists who made their fortune as illustrators of children’s book artists, none achieved anywhere near the popularity of Arthur Rackham. Rackham was born in London in 1867. His father guided him to a career in business, much against Arthur’s wishes. He found the time to attend the Lambeth School of Art and by the age of thirty, Rackham was able to make his living entirely from his artwork. Though Rackham’s work was not limited to the illustration of children’s books, much of his work adorning classical literature was primarily intended for children. All featured his distinctive style of shading and love of the grotesque.
This exhibition will feature works from Connecticut College’s extensive collection of Arthur Rackham from the Gildersleeve Collection for children’s literature. The exhibit will feature Rackham's depictions of women and nature, his work with children's literature, and his career as a fantasy artist.