Conn admits a strong group of Camels to the Class of 2022
Connecticut College has admitted a talented, bright and diverse group of students to the Class of 2022 from the largest applicant pool in its history. This includes a higher number of students who will be the first in their families to attend college.
“In recent years, we’ve built on the College’s history as a diverse, equitable, inclusive and socially just community, and that naturally led us to enhance outreach to first-generation students,” said Andrew K. Strickler, the dean of admission and financial aid. “We’ve long had programs in place to ensure a smooth transition to college, and I’m excited that more first-gen students will be taking advantage of them this year.”
Citizens of 80 different countries, 46 states and Puerto Rico, the admitted Class of 2022 also includes more students of color—31 percent—than previous classes.
The College also saw increases in academic achievement. That includes median SAT scores, which improved by 10 points in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and 20 points in Math among students who provided their standardized test scores. (Conn is test-optional, so students who apply are not required to submit those scores). Nearly 60 percent of admitted students were in the top 10 percent of their high school class, and 84 percent were in the top 20 percent.
“What really impressed me about the students I met was their intellectual capacity and passion, and how critically they were already thinking about issues that mattered to them,” said Michelle Lee ’18, a Senior Admission Fellow who interviewed prospective members of the Class of 2022. “And quite a few of them told me they were interested in Conn because the Connections curriculum created a way for them to connect their interests in different issues. I’m really excited about this Class.”
In addition to Connections, incoming students cited Conn’s award-winning career program and funded internships, the focus on internationalism and global engagement, and the warm welcome they received from the campus community as reasons for applying.
“At the end of the day, it’s about whether a student feels like they’ve found a place where they can be themselves, better themselves and surround themselves with people who care,” said Strickler. “And that describes Conn to a T.”
The Class of 2022 is invited to campus for Camel Days, Connecticut College’s admitted student open houses, on April 16 and 23.