During an emergency, the College’s primary concern is communicating with those on the campus: students, faculty and staff.
The Rave emergency alert system will be used to notify the campus community by sending voice and text messages and emails.
We will email parents follow-up information as appropriate in an emergency. Make sure we have your email address. Send it, along with your name and the name of your student, to parents@conncoll.edu. Up-to-date information about an emergency will be posted on the College’s website.
It is important to remember that in the event of a true emergency, telephones —both land lines and cell phones—will be critical tools for those managing the situation. Please refrain from calling the College for information and instead look for information through the website, emails and, when appropriate, Rave alert messages.
The College’s social media pages on Facebook and Twitter (@ConnCollege) will also provide additional information during an emergency.
Every effort will be made to keep parents well informed, but we will direct communications to the campus community first and will focus our resources on managing the emergency and keeping our community members safe.
Reaching your student in a family emergency
If you have a family emergency and can’t reach your student, call the dean of student life at 860-439-2832 during business hours (8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.) or Campus Safety at 860-439-2222, any time of the day or night.