Brighten a student's day
Order a CamelPak!
If your son or daughter is celebrating a birthday, in need of a pick-me-up or under the weather, consider ordering a CamelPak from Dining Services. Choose from treat baskets like Health Nut, Fruit & Cheese, Exam Energizers and more. You can even send a complete Birthday Bash to share with friends. View the Camel Pak options and ordering information.
Or a gift certificate
You can also contact the Connecticut College Bookshop by calling them at 800-892-3363 or email bookshop@conncoll.edu for gift certificates or merchandise for your Camel to pick up.
Offer edible treats
The Blue Camel Cafè, (located in Shain Library) also offers gift certificates. It's a great place to have a cup of homemade soup, cappuccino, coffee or herbal tea, and a delicious snack. Call 860-439-2820.
Cookies Direct, owned and operated by a mom of two Connecticut College alumni, can send along your son’s or daughter’s favorite.